Monday 19 November 2012



The pattern is determined by the dyeing of the threads before they are woven. 
IKAT is an Indonesian word meaning 'to bind' or 'to die' and It's a resist dye technique  similar  to tie-dye. Warp and weft threads are stretched on a frame the size of the finished cloth, these threads are tied with plastic ribbons  forming the design of the pattern which will resist the dye penetration when they are dipped into a dye bath. This process may be repeated several times depending on the quantities of colours or the pattern complexity. When all of the dyeing is finished the bindings are removed and the threads are ready to be woven into cloth.
The most common and old form of IKAT is WARP IKAT , were the threads are bound and the pattern design is formed in the warp threads only.  The WEFT IKAT , as the name indicates, the bound and dye process are done in the weft threads only.
The most rare and expensive IKAT is the DOUBLE IKAT GERINGSING textile. This kind of textile is  made of both the warp and the weft threads, this are bound and dyed and later weaved together. This kind of IKAT can only be found in the Tenganan Bali Aga Village of   East Bali one of the best preserved Bali Villages were I had the luck to see the weavers in action♦

    Pictures taken in Threads of Life , Ubud, Bali♦

    Ikat weaving in Bali, Indonesia♦

    Double Ikat , Tanganan Bali Aga Village♦

    Ikat fabrics I bought in Bali during my staying♦ 

Wednesday 14 November 2012



Giving you a little peek of what is coming for Autumn/winter 13/14 Print Collection

Please feel free to contact me for more detailed information about my services ♦ 

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Cultural Travel to Indonesia

I've been out for a wile, looking for inspiration in wonderful Indonesian culture. More news this week.

Sunday 14 October 2012


// Mad for Prints //

Tsumori Chisato is a Japanese designer with special taste for colourful prints and fabric embellishments, her style is elegant and funny at the same time . 
For SS13 collection she was  inspired by western landscapes, cow skulls, Sioux tipis, flowers and stars. Colourful watercolour prints gave to the collection a fresh and fun look ♦  

Pictures via


Tsumori Chisato Collection - SS 2013 from Tsumori Chisato on Vimeo.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

//Mixed Patterns by Paper Mag & Emily Shur//

Paper Mag made this beautiful Fashion Editorial mixing prints and patterns from different brands. This was a perfect collaboration between Paper Mag and photographer Emily Shur

Via Papermag, pictures by Emily Shur. 

Saturday 6 October 2012

//Dolce & Gabbana SS13//

PRINTS:  Wide stripes // Sicily History inspiration//Colourful  Flowers// Maps// Roman militaries // Mix cultural portraits // vintage labels inspiration //

Dolce Gabbana  photos via 

Thursday 27 September 2012

Vlisco - Real Dutch Wax fabric


Last week I've been in Paris for PremièreVision one of the best  Fashion Shows in Europe . I've been looking for inspiration in Paris and I found this amazing little book about Vlisco one of the greatest designers and manufacturers of Wax Hollandais´.


At the end of the 19 century Vlisco enter the African Market with his ´´Real Dutch Wax fabric`` developed by the company in a semi -manufactured product. The story says that this African fabric after all manufactured and design in Holland has it's origin in Java Batik, brought by the Dutchman from their colonies in Indonesia and also from African soldiers that wore fighting in the colonies under dutch command. Companies such as Vlisco saw this great opportunity to develop the Batik fabric in a more industrialised and  fast production technique and for that they invented new printing machines.

Monday 9 July 2012

To much!

Wow, to much !! I need urgently a White cover for my sofa :/

Saturday 23 June 2012

Vintage Prints collection II

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Vintage prints collection

This is a sample of the collection of vintage prints I have been recollecting in my trips thru this last years. Most of them are from vintage markets and stores from different trips I've made. Our pass and history it's what's inspires me the most to create new prints.

Printsource: Resort 13: Marc Jacobs

Printsource: Resort 13: Marc Jacobs: Exciting resort collection at Marc Jacobs. Love the colors and crazy 70's vibe.

Thursday 24 May 2012

Porcelana Inglesa // English Porcelain

Porcelana Inglesa , adoraria saber mais detalhes... // Beautiful English porcelain.I wish I new more about it ....

Persian carpet from Hamedan

New carpet in the Studio! Persian carpet from Hamedan.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

My favourite bag \\ A minha mala favorita

A mix of tapestry, leather, knitting and felt. A real piece of art from "Touch Luxe".
Um mix de tapeçaria , pele, tricot e feltro. Uma obra de arte de "Touch Luxe" .

Sunday 20 May 2012

Portuguese Tiles * Azulejos Portugueses

Lovely Portuguese tiles.

Saturday 19 May 2012

Alcântara Craft's and Design Studio

♦//About Alcantara craft’s & Design studio//♦
Alcântara Indie Craft Studio é um espaço de trabalho e convívio criado para artistas, designers independentes e artesãos que criam uma grande variedade de produtos sem fazer parte de um negocio massificado e industrializado. Artigos únicos e feitos a mão em oposição  à produção em série despersonalizada das grandes Industrias. Os produtos podem variar desde Bijuteria, acessórios de moda ou de casa, cerâmicas, moveis, roupa, pintura, ilustração, etc...

Alcântara Indie Craft Studio it’s a workspace created for artists, independent designers and artisans who create a wide variety of products without being part of a widespread industrial business. Unique and handmade items as opposed to depersonalized mass production of the big industries. Products can range from jewelry, fashion and home accessories, ceramics, furniture, clothing, painting, illustration, etc...


O  Estúdio dispõe de uma zona lounge com sofá e mesa de reuniöes, uma sala de trabalho com muita luz natural um armário de parede, prateleiras, cómoda  e 3 estiradores, uma pequena cozinha totalmente equipada incluindo maquina de café Nespresso, frigorifico, microondas e fogäo para poder cozinhar as suas refeiçöes se preferir.

Situa-se a 5 minutos a pé, da LX Factory, uma zona de crescente importância no centro criativo de Lisboa. Encontra-se bem servido de transportes, tendo o Largo do Calvário a 3 minutos com interface para 28 carreiras da Carris (2 eléctricos e 26 autocarros).

O supermercado Pingo Doce encontra-se  mesmo ao lado do edifício, imprescindivel para que näo falte nada na hora de cozinhar o almoço ou preparar um lanche delicioso com päo acabado de sair do forno. Se preferir algo mais biológico e saudável,  no largo do Calvário encontra um supermercado Celeiro.

Existe também na zona uma grande variedade de Restaurantes que vai desde o mais tradicional com preços muito simpáticos ao mais sofisticado, com refeiçöes de todos os cantos do planeta como por exemplo, o Sushi do Japäo, o Pad Thai da Tailandia  e a Pizza italiana.    

Outra mais valia é o facto de estar ao lado do rio Tejo proporcionando uma óptima oportunidade para dar um passeio a pé ou de bicicleta.

Mesa 150 x 75 cm;
Direito à utilizaçäo do estudio 24 horas/dia (utilizaçäo da area total, com exclusäo à sala pequena, a dividir entre 3 pessoas);  
Limpeza semanal
Internet fibra + telefone fixo grátis (só para chamadas a fixos 24h).


In the studio there’s  a lounge area with a sofa and a table for meetings, the working room has natural light , a wall closet, shelves, a chest of drawers and three working tables, there’s also a  small fully equipped kitchen including Nespresso coffee machine, refrigerator, microwave and stove to cook your meals if you prefer.
It is located 5 minutes walk from the LX Factory, an area of growing importance in the creative  of Lisbon. It is well served by transport, the Calvário Square is  3 minutes away , there  you have  28 common carriers (2 trams and 26 buses).
The Pingo Doce supermarket is right next to the building, essential to buy fresh food to cook lunch or prepare a delicious snackIf you prefer something more organic and healthy, in the Calvário square you have Celeiro supermarket.
There is also in the area a wide variety of restaurants ranging from the more traditional with very friendly prices to the most sophisticated, with meals from all corners of the planet such as Sushi of Japan, the Pad Thai from Thailand and Italian Pizza.
Another big plus is the fact of being beside the river Tagus offering a great opportunity to take a nice walk to relax or riding a bike.


€ 175
Table 150 x 75 cm;
Right to use the studio 24 hours / day (utilization of the total area, excluding the small room, divided between 3 people);
weekly cleaning
Fiber Internet + Free telephone (24h telephone only ,no mobile or special numbers).


 Studio detail

Studio detail

 Lounge lamp

Sunday 22 April 2012

Print and Textile Design at Chelsea School of Art

Last week I've been in London for a Short-course of Textile Design and Print Workshop in Chelsea College of Art & Design.
In the workshop we interpreted our ideas and translated our designs into prints. We experimented with a range of techniques and produced a sophisticated textile design, screen-printed and  introduced to a range of methods, which included colour discharge, Foil print, Flock Print  and different heat transfer techniques.

Na semana passada estive em Londres num Short-course de Design Têxtil e Estampado no Chelsea College of Art & Design.
No curso aprendemos a interpretar as nossas idéias e a traduzir-los em estampados. Experimentamos  diferentes técnicas e produzimos vários estampado ssofisticados através da Serigrafia de diferentes métodos, que incluíam Discharge print, Foil print, Flock print  e diferentes técnicas de transfer de calor.

 The Studio, were all ideas are developed.
 O estúdio , onde se desenvolvem os conceitos para os estampados.

 Fabric samples with different printing techniques.
 Mostras de tecidos com as diferentes técnicas de estampagem.

 The printing room.
A sala de estampagem.

 A screen is made of a piece of porous finely woven fabric called mesh stretched over a frame of aluminium or wood. Areas of the screen are blocked off with a non-permeable material to form a stencil, which is a negative of the image to be printed; that is, the open spaces are where the ink will appear.

Uma tela de Serigrafia é feita de uma peça de tecido poroso finamente tecido chamado rede e esticado sobre uma moldura de alumínio ou de madeira. Algumas areas da tela são bloqueadas com um material não-permeável para formar um stencil, que é um negativo da imagem a ser impressa, ou seja, a tinta irá aparecer nos espaços abertos.

Printing table ♦ Mesa de estampagem 

Preparing the cloth for the printing ♦ Preparaçáo do tecido para a estampagem

The 'exposure unit' burns away the unnecessary photo-emulsion leaving behind a clean area in the mesh with the identical shape as the desired image.
A unidade de exposição queima a emulsäo photosensível deixando uma area limpa na rede com a forma da imagem desejada.

The Illustrations ♦  As ilustraçöes

My first Silkscreen ♦ A minha primeira serigrafia

Preparing the next print with transparent ink ♦ Preperaçäo do próximo estampado com uma base de tinta transparente.

Discharge Ink -used to print lighter colours onto dark background fabrics, they work by removing the dye in the garment . It works as a bleach and reacts to heat.
Discharge Ink - É uma tinta usada para imprimir cores mais claras em tecidos de base escura funciona através da remoção do corante no tecido. O resultado é similar ao da Lixívia e reage ao calor.